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Textus Current Cfp

Call for Abstracts: Textus 3/2025 – Cross-disciplinary

Call for abstracts Textus issue 3/2025 – Cross-disciplinary issue Text Analysis and Digital Humanities in English Studies   Guest co-editors: Maristella Gatto (University of Bari) Michaela Mahlberg (University of Birmingham) Lorenzo Mastropierro (University of Insubria) Francesca Saggini (University of Tuscia) Copy Editor: Eileen Mulligan (University of Bari)   Over the past decades, Digital Humanities have moved from being a niche discipline to a fast-growing research field, covering all areas where the humanities meet digital methods, resources, and tools. This digital revolution has triggered paradigm shifts in disciplinary fields as diverse as philology, history, geography, music, cultural heritage, literature, and linguistics. Indeed, the impact of the digital turn in literary and linguistic studies can be felt in a number of areas, from archiving, to editing, to computer-aided critical and stylistic analysis, as well as in the development of tools for the representation and visualization of language data in texts of any kind (Schreibman et al. 2016). More crucially, the huge amount of textual data available in digital format to the literature and language scholars alike has had a significant impact on the range of research questions that it is possible to address (Hiltunen et al. 2017). Nonetheless, digital approaches to text analysis in English Studies – mostly in the field of corpus linguistics and corpus stylistics – have had limited interactions with Digital Humanities, while it is exactly these interactions that will bring about true innovation. The time has come, therefore, for corpus linguistics, literary stylistics, and Digital Humanities to finally come together as they “theoretically have much in common, but in practice more often than not operate within disciplinary boundaries” (Mahlberg and Wiegand 2020: 323). Methodological triangulation that builds on commonality and convergence among these cognate areas will be beneficial to understand further the dialogical relationship among them, and be conducive of interdisciplinary development. This issue of Textus aims to foster such interdisciplinary dialogues and encourage methodological triangulations between Digital Humanities, corpus approaches, and other methods for computer-aided text analysis in English Studies. It will provide a forum to showcase cutting-edge research and stimulate reflections on the potential of the interplay between computer-based approaches to text analysis and Digital Humanities in English Studies, from both the perspective of literature and language studies.   References: Adolphs, S. and Knight, D., 2020, The Routledge Handbook of English Language and Digital Humanities, London, Routledge. Crompton, C., et al., 2016, Doing Digital Humanities. Practice, Training, Research, London, Routledge. Hiltunen, T., et al. 2017, Big and rich data in English Corpus Linguistics. Studies in Variation, Contacts and Change in English, 19, https://varieng.helsinki.fi/series/volumes/19/ Maci, S. and Sala, M., 2022, Corpus Linguistics and Translation Tools for Digital Humanities: Research Methods and Applications, London, Routledge. Mahlberg, M. 2013, Corpus Stylistics and Dickens’s Fiction, London, Routledge. Mahlberg, M. and Wiegand, V., 2020, “Literary Stylistics”, in Adolphs S. et al. (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of English Language and Digital Humanities, pp. 321-345, London, Routledge. Martin, P. E. 2022, The Digital Humanities and Literary Studies, Oxford, Oxford University Press. Underwood, T., 2019, Distant Horizons. Digital Evidence and Literary Change, Chicago, Chicago University Press.   Submission of abstracts Please send abstracts to: maristella.gatto@uniba.it, m.a.mahlberg@bham.ac.uk, lorenzo.mastropierro@uninsubria.it, fsaggini@unitus.it   Timeline Deadline for abstracts submission (400 words plus references): 15 December 2024. Please put as subject line “Textus Cross-disciplinary Issue 3/2025 – abstract submission” Notification to authors: 15 January 2025 Deadline for submission of first draft of article (maximum 7500 words including references): 31 May 2025 Request for revisions following peer review: 15 July 2025 Deadline for final version of article: 1 September 2025

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Call for Abstracts: Textus 2/2025 – Literature

Call for Abstracts Textus issue 2/2025 – Literature The Voices of Water: Intermedial and Multimodal Blue Eco-Stories   Guest co-editors: Gilberta Golinelli (Bologna University) Maddalena Pennacchia (Roma Tre University) Niklas Salmose (Linnaeus University, Vaxjio, Sweden – Center of Intermedial and Multimodal Studies, Sweden) Copy Editor: Gaia Amrita Whitright (Roma Tre University)   What does water tell us of its story? How many stories are there in the voices of water? And how can we learn to listen to its many languages and eventually ‘speak’ them? There have been in the past artists and writers who have tried to listen to the voices of the rain, the sea, rivers and lakes. But was it really the voices of water they were listening to? Or was it just their own? And how did they transform it into a communicative object that could be shared by other fellow beings. “The nymphs are departed” wrote T.S. Eliot in The Waste Land (1922) with a nostalgic take on the polluted Thames, as if centuries, and not just one, had passed from Wordsworth’s sublime exaltation of “the roar of waters, torrents, streams / Innumerable, roaring with one voice’ (Prelude, 1805). And that was before any discussion concerning climate changes and unprecedented droughts, before we knew of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, before the Dutch Nobel Prize in Chemistry, Paul Crutzen, gave a name and a visibility to the concept of Anthropocene (2000), before we ever heard the word Solastalgia (G. Albrecht, 2005), before the sustainable development goals were even conceived. Is there a possible genealogy of old and multifaceted blue eco-stories? And if it exists, does it contain values and perspectives that can be worthy of transformation and reintegration into today’ and tomorrow’s society? What of writers who in their literary works try to listen to the voices of water today? How do they interact, if they do, with science reports and evidences? What multimodal and intermedial strategies do they explore to host and welcome the voices of water and their own? Can their work facilitate the process of societal changes so necessary to the survival of future generations? Some, like Carla Benedetti (2022), think so. With the help of a powerful leverage: empathy. This volume invites papers dealing with old and new eco-stories of water, how they are fashioned and communicated multimodally and intermedially, and what they can do for us.   Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following: · Textual, figurative, and multimodal representations of old and new eco-stories of water and their intermedial relation. · Nostalgia, pastoral and environmental discourses: between fiction and scientific knowledge. · Literary critical approaches and ocean/blue cultural studies. · Gender, genre(s) and genealogies of blue storytelling. · Empathy, social impact and transformative power of blue-eco-stories. · Issues of gender, nature, and aquatic environment. Social changes and changing constructions of aquatic environment. · The rhetoric of water: questioning and re-fashioning aquatic environments   Keywords: blue ecocriticism, water, anthropocene, solastalgia, climate changes, resilience, transformation, humanities and science relation, empathy, intermediality, multimodality, language ecology (with specific reference to the aquatic environment), fiction and literary texts.   References: Albrecht, Glenn, Earth Emotions: New Words for a New World, Ithaca and London, Cornell University Press, 2019 Benedetti, Carla, La letteratura ci salverà dall’estinzione, Torino, Einaudi, 2021 Bruhn Jørgen, Schirrmacher Beate, Intermedial Studies: An Introduction to Meaning Across Media, New York, Routledge, 2022. Bruhn, Jørgen and Niklas Salmose, Intermedial Ecocriticism, Lanham, Lexington Books 2023 Dobbin, Sidney I., Blue Ecocriticism and the Oceanic Imperative, New York, Routledge, 2021 Ellestrom, Lars, Media Borders, Multimodality and Intermediality, Palgrave, 2010 Hogan Colm, Patrick et al (eds), The Routledge Companion to Literature and Emotions, Abingdon and New York, Routledge, 2022. Salmose, Niklas (ed.), Contemporary Nostalgia, special issue of Humanities, 2019 [available at https://www.mdpi.com/books/reprint/1568-contemporary-nostalgia] Submission of abstracts and timeline Please send abstracts to: gilberta.golinelli2@unibo.it, maddalena.pennacchia@uniroma3.it and niklas.salmose@lnu.se   Timeline Deadline for abstracts submission (400 words plus references): 15 September 2024. Please put as subject line “Textus Literature Issue 2/2025 – abstract submission” Notification to authors: 30 September 2024 Deadline for submission of first draft of article (maximum 7500 words including references): 31 December 2024 Request for revisions following peer review: 15 February 2025 Deadline for final version of article: 15 April 2025

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Call for Abstracts: Textus 1/2025 – Language

Call for abstracts Textus issue 1/2025 – Language The Breeding Grounds of Conflict:Discourses of War, Discrimination, Protest, and Disinformation   Guest co-editors: Bronwen Hughes (Parthenope University of Naples) Margaret Rasulo (University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli) Ruth Wodak (Lancaster University/University of Vienna) Copy Editor: Laura Ann McLean (University of Turin) Sticks and stones will break my bones, and words will always hurt me. Although the word ‘conflict’ brings international warfare readily to mind, disagreements can occur at any level or setting. By adopting a broader definition of the term, other fissiparous contexts and circumstances are called into play. Stripped of its many connotative features, conflict entails the duality of opposing factions, the ‘taking of sides’, the perception of an enemy, and the apportioning of interest. Our era is witnessing a surge of opinions, actions, and beliefs of a conflictual nature. The manifold contexts in which conflict arises range from overt hostile manifestations of dissent to covert hate-inducing tactics. The daily exposure to a myriad of viral inoculations of animosity which contaminate our personal and professional identity impacts upon our ever-diminishing resilience as human beings, leading to vulnerability and permeability. In the presence of a persistent feeling of defencelessness when faced with conflict, alarming levels of negative emotional expenditure are likely to emerge, with an ensuing sense of fear, coupled with other adverse feelings of anxiety, anger and frustration. Linked to cultural and collective trauma, fear is indeed the emotional force that shapes human agency as well as attitudes. In conflict-steeped contexts, individuals are confronted with a lingering perception of threat brought about by social disruption and division. In political settings, fear is at its pinnacle when it strives to divide the world into “good” and “bad” citizens, thus legitimizing politics of exclusion, dramatization and emotionalization (Wodak, 2015). In the spirit of the survival of the fittest, in such dire circumstances, rather than stifling divergencies through resolutory actions, we tend to react by taking the emotional turn, prompting either the avoidance or the instigation of conflict (Bramsen et al. 2014; Wahl-Jorgensen, 2019). Thus, despite the much-needed call for a ceasefire across all breeding grounds of conflict, worldwide evidence points to the normalization (Wodak 2015) of hostile patterns and propaganda without counter remedies or calls for action. Be it open or proxy warfare, online/offline hate speech, climate injustice or economic disparity, the sheer callousness of conflictual behaviour – whether ideational, ideological, or emotional – erodes the very fabric of society and leads to widespread polarization. Conflict is by its very nature complex, and the recent global pandemic with its attendant move to online platforms has added new layers of difficulty. Online environments are intrinsically conducive to the proliferation of conflictual discourses often linked to the viral spreading of disinformation. Indeed, information warfare abounds on social media sites, and is often blamed for intensifying societal polarization by creating echo chambers (E. Bakshy et al., 2015). For political, social, religious, or economic reasons, these filters tend to prevent people from being exposed to evidence-based information (Del Vicario et al. 2016), resulting in the blurring of social boundaries dangerous common ground which not only excludes the ‘other’, as an individual or perspective, but also breeds conflict. The phenomenon known as context collapse, inherent to the architecture of social media, and consisting in the blurring of social boundaries between the private and the public, or the personal and the professional, only serves to aggravate the problem (Davis and Jurgenson 2014). When every interaction is addressed to a multiple audience and the distinctiveness of context collapses, the platform takes over and controls the only gateway to/for information. Language does participate in the worldview of conflicts, and discursive representations of antagonism may serve to exacerbate or ameliorate situations of unacceptable strife. One such dynamic is the Us and Them division (van Dijk, 1998) that reproduces positive self-presentation and negative other- presentation (Reisigl and Wodak, 2001). This view of the world not only mobilizes conflict to initiate or stifle necessary social action, such as passing vital legislation to solve climate change or immigration, but also legitimizes attacks on existing institutions and the rule of law. Extensive exposure to the dynamics of conflict and contingent factors therefore provides significant insights into the role of language and discourse in understanding and addressing such issues. Whatever the context of usage, discourses of conflict, due to their insidious nature can, and often do, go undetected. Lack of awareness, in turn, leads to collateral damage stemming from asymmetries of power, opposing interests and reduced social capital. Conflict, as emerges from the above discussion, is a phenomenon of such complexity and breadth, that it cannot be fully understood within the boundaries of a single discipline and needs to be addressed from an interdisciplinary viewpoint. Contributions to this issue of Textus will therefore extend the debate by raising the levels of critical awareness and providing understanding of the multiple ways in which hostile systems perpetuate themselves to the grave detriment of the basic needs of individuals and groups. Possible areas of research include but are not limited to the following: · Discourses of Nationalism · Gender Identity Representation · Political discourse · Health discourse · Immigration · Physical and sexual aggression, from individual violence to mass aggression, including genocide and terrorism. · The dynamics and evolution of conflict and resolution. · Peace research · Religion and anger · Gender and anger · Ethnicity, marginalization and anger · Isolation and competition · (Im)politeness theory · Geo-political fields of tension · Hate speech and xenophobia, racism, disability, sexism, discrimination · The representation of identity in traditional and new media · Institutional discourse and identity representation · Identities and conflict in translation · Identity construction in postcolonial settings · Language, gender identity and sexuality · National/nationalist identity construction · Language, identity and disability · Language, identity and ethnicity · Language, identity and ageism · Language, identity and religion · Linguistic identity construction: native/L1 vs. non-native/L2 · Identity in academic, professional and specialized domains.   Selected methods and approaches should

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Call for proposals Textus issues 2025

Call for proposals – Textus issues 2025 Call for proposals Textus issues 2025 All Textus calls for papers are open only to AIA members The editorial board of Textus invites proposals for the three issues of the journal to be published in 2025. Textus has traditionally approached topical areas of research separately in its three yearly issues. In the first two issues to be published in 2025, the focus will remain on language (issue 1/2025) and literature (issue 2/2025). The third issue (3/2025) will respond to the pressing need, expressed by an increasing number of scholars, to engage with inter- and multi-disciplinary approaches; it will therefore present a common theme embracing two or more research areas within the field of English studies. Proposals (500 words including references) will need to indicate: Two co-editors working at different Italian universities (for issue 3/2025, the two co-editors must belong to different research areas); A non-Italian guest editor from a foreign university; A native speaker copyeditor. Proposals for all three issues should be sent by 30 January 2024 to: aiasegreteria@unito.it  

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Call for papers Textus issue 3/2024

Call for papers Textus issue 3/2024 Spreading Interdisciplinary Contaminations:New Perspectives on Health, Illness, and Disease Co-editors:Girolamo Tessuto (University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli)Clark Lawlor (Northumbria University)Ilaria Natali (University of Florence)Annalisa Federici (Roma Tre University) Copy editors:Maria Micaela Coppola (University of Trento)John Gilbert (University of Florence) The intersections between medicine and communication, both oral and written, have been recognised and discussed at least since the time of Hippocrates, who is often credited with having conceptualised the practice of healing as a semiotic craft (Baer 1988: 37; Danesi and Zukowski 2019: 5). Nonetheless, in the academic field, exchanges among literature, linguistics, and medical sciences intensified only during the 1940s and 1950s, with a progressive shift of focus away from the physician’s skills in deciphering signs and symptoms to the semiotic acts of communication to represent, perform, explain, and make sense of health and disease – and the subject’s experience of them – in real and fictional contexts. Even more recent are interdisciplinary critical orientations developing in the areas of linguistics and literary inquiries, with seminal studies by Felman (1985), Kleinman (1988), Ingram (1991), Roberts and Porter (1993), and Frank (1995). Together with perspectives such as feminism, queer theory, and disability studies, these orientations have paved the way for wellness and illness narratives to come to the forefront and disentangle themselves from the disciplinary “colonialism” of scientific discourse (Charon 2006; Jurecic 2012).Far from being mere interpretations of bodily symptoms, the ideas of disease, illness, and pathology are often symbolically or metaphorically constructed (Sontag 1978; Graham and Sewell 1990; Semino et al. 2020; Garzone 2023) and always rooted in specific contexts and times. Hence, investigating their representations necessarily entails moving beyond physician-patient dynamics to cope with broader cultural and social concerns. Linguistic, literary, and cultural studies themselves can engage with medical representations to “reveal their function in their historical context” (Gilman 2011: 73; Gilman 1988), to emphasise their constitutive relation to identity and language, and to unveil their inherent connection with conceptualisations of a “healthy” body and mind (Ferrara 1994), thus challenging stigmas associated with various forms of disease, illness, disability, and trauma.The intricacies of the mutual effects between language and human health have inspired scholars from different theoretical backgrounds to consider the public and private dimensions of discourse about health and healthcare across a wide and diverse range of contexts, genres, and media (Gwyn 2002; Furst 2003; Heritage and Maynard 2006; Harvey and Koteyko 2012; Skelton 2013; Canziani et al. 2014; Hamilton and Chou 2014; Mullini 2015; Hilger 2017; Garzone et al. 2019; Brookes and Hunt 2021; Lawlor and Mangham 2021; Tweedie and Johnson 2022), giving floor to “different types of discourses that go side by side with the linguistic practices of participants involved in the textual universe of medicine and healthcare” (Tessuto 2023: xvii). Accordingly, to explore the multiple and complex ways in which the complementary perspectives of linguistic, literary and cultural studies can interact critically with medical discourses, this issue of Textus encourages scholars to investigate a broad spectrum of “literariness” and health-related narratives, including letters, memoirs, (auto)pathographies, marginalia, mixed-media narratives, patientprovider interactions, case histories, medical blogs, as well as other liminal and interstitial forms of expression, textualcontaminations, and anomalies.Suggested topics for this issue include, but are not limited to:● past and present representational practices concerning health and the body;● literature, medicine, and their reciprocal influences;● the role of literature in creating/representing/challenging cultural discourses of physical and/or mental health, wellbeing, disease, and trauma;● medical practitioners and/or patients as writers, narrators, and fictional characters;● representations or narratives of disease, illness, health, disability, trauma, etc.;● narratives of social injustice in medical practices and experiences;● gender identity and medical discourse;● dynamics of communication between doctors and patients across different genres, medias, and contexts;● relationships between language, style, forms, and methods of literary research and medical discourse;● impacts and implications of changes in technology-mediated healthcare communication;● medical and therapeutic narratives and their relationship with healing;● counter-narratives of mainstream conceptualisations of health and wellbeing. Deadline for abstracts: 31 December 2023 Please submit your abstract of around 500 words to: Textus3.24@gmail.com Acceptance of abstracts to be notified by 20 January 2024 Deadline for articles: 31 March 2024 ReferencesBaer, Eugen, 1988, Medical Semiotics, University Press of America, Lantham.Brookes, Gavin and Hunt, Daniel, 2021, Analysing Health Communication: Discourse Approaches, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke.Byrne, Patrick S. and Long, Barrie E.L., 1976, Doctors Talking to Patients: A Study of the Verbal Behaviours of Doctors in the Consultation, HMSO, London.Canziani, Tatiana, Grego, Kim, Iamartino, Giovanni (eds), 2014, Perspectives in Medical English, Polimetrica, Monza.Charon, Rita, 2006, Narrative Medicine: Honoring the Stories of Illness, O.U.P., Oxford.Danesi, Marcel and Zukowski, Nicolette, 2019, Medical Semiotics: Medicine and Cultural Meaning, Lincom, Munich.Felman, Shoshana, 1985, Writing and Madness (Literature/Philosophy/Psychoanalysis), Cornell University Press, New York.Ferrara, Kathleen W., 1994, Therapeutic Ways with Words, O.U.P., Oxford.Frank, Arthur, 1995, The Wounded Storyteller: Body, Illness, Ethics, University of Chicago Press, Chicago.Furst, Lilian R., 2003, Idioms of Distress: Psychosomatic Disorders in Medical and Imaginative Literature, State University of New York Press, Albany.Garzone, Giuliana E., 2023, “Metaphor and Disease in the Media: Focus on COVID Communication”, in G. Tessuto, R. Ashcroft, V.K. Bhatia (eds), Professional Discourse across Medicine, Law, and Other Disciplines: Issues and Perspectives, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, pp. 1-33.Garzone, Giuliana E., Paganoni, Maria Cristina, Reisigl, Martin (eds), 2019, Discursive Representations of Controversial Issues in Medicine and Health. Lingue, Culture, Mediazioni 6 (1).Gilman, Sander L., 1988, Disease and Representation: Images of Illness from Madness to AIDS, Cornell University Press, New York.Gilman, Sander L., 2011, “Representing Health and Illness: Thoughts for the 21st Century”, Journal of Medical Humanities 32, pp. 69-75.Graham, Peter W. and Sewell, Elizabeth (eds), 1990, Fictive Ills: Literary Perspectives on Wounds and Diseases. Literature and Medicine 9.Gwyn, Richard, 2002, Communicating Health and Illness, Sage, London.Hamilton, Heidi and Chou, Wen-ying Sylvia (eds), 2014, The Routledge Handbook of Language and Health Communication, Routledge, London-New York.Harvey, Kevin and Koteyko, Nelya, 2012, Exploring Health Communication: Language in Action, Routledge, London.Heritage, John and Maynard, Douglas W. (eds), 2006, Communication in Medical Care: Interaction between Primary Care

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Textus issue 3/2024 –  Call for proposals 

Textus issue 3/2024   Call for proposals  AIA members interested in editing issue 3/2024 of Textus are invited to send their proposals to Marilena Parlati (marilena.parlati@unipd.it), Paola Catenaccio (paola.catenaccio@unimi.it) and Massimiliano Demata (massimiliano.demata@unito.it) by 31 October 2023. Building on comments and suggestions put forth in the course of the pre-conference round table at AIA XXXI, we invite calls for proposals that encourage inter-, multi- and cross-disciplinary research on themes that lend themselves to exploration and analysis from multiple methodological vantage points. Prospective guest co-editors (at least two, and approaching the chosen topic from different disciplinary perspectives) should submit a preliminary call for papers based on a general theme that might be of interest to all AIA members. The call should include a working title, a brief description of the topic proposed by the guest editors (500 words max), the name of a foreign scholar of international standing who has agreed to co-edit the issue, and the name of a copy editor. All proposals will be examined by the Textus Editorial Board (Giuseppe Balirano, Paola Catenaccio, Massimiliano Demata, Manuela D’Amore, C. Bruna Mancini, Marilena Parlati and Irene Ranzato) whose decision will be communicated to the guest editors by 10 November 2023. The call for papers will be issued by 15 November 2023, the deadline for sending abstracts is 31 December 2023.   

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