ESSE Conference – 26-30 August 2024

ESSE Conference European Society for the Study of English 2024 conference The 2024 European Society for the Study of English conference will take place at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland, 26-30 August 2024. Call for posters, seminar papers and doctoral symposium Posters should be devoted to research-in-progress and project presentations. The aim is to provide additional opportunities for feedback and personal contacts. At the conference, there will be a dedicated poster session, which is scheduled to take place on Tuesday 27 August 2024 at 6pm. Please send proposals of not more than 240 words to by 31 January 2024. Seminar papers Scholars wishing to present their paper in one of the seminars are invited to submit 250- word abstracts of their proposed presentations and a brief bio directly to the convenors of the respective seminars by 31 January 2024. The list of seminars can be found here: Seminars consist of a varying number of academic papers and discussions. The length of papers should be 20 minutes with an added 10 minutes for discussion. As the number of slots for seminars is restricted for room reasons, the seminar convenors have some flexibility and may ask seminar participants for shortened papers in order to allow for more presentations in their seminars. Doctoral Symposium Call for participation at: KEY DATES 31 January 2024: Submissions of proposals for individual papers and posters 31 January 2024: Application to Doctoral Symposium 1 March 2024: Registration begins

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Call for individual paper and poster presentations for ESSE 2020 – Lyon, France (31 August-4 September)

ESSE 2020 Conference in Lyon, France (31s August – 4 September 2020) Vincent Renner, for the Organizing Committee, wishes to let it be known that the call for individual paper and poster presentations for ESSE 2020 is now online at…/esse-2020-call-for-paper-and-p… Seminar papers Scholars wishing to present their papers at the ESSE 2020 Conference are invited to submit abstracts of 200/250 words directly to the convenors of the targeted seminars by 15 January 2020. Posters Posters are to be devoted to research-in-progress and project presentations. Abstracts of 200/250 words should be sent to by 15 January 2020 and will be reviewed by the Academic Programme Committee.

Call for individual paper and poster presentations for ESSE 2020 – Lyon, France (31 August-4 September) Read More »

Call for Contributions: ESSE Messenger Summer 2019

The ESSE Messenger invites contributors to submit professional articles to the Summer 2019 issue of the ESSE Messenger. The ESSE Messenger is an EBSCOHOST and ERIHPLUS indexed journal, listed at DUOTROPE. This issue’s topic is a very challenging one: “The Reality and Permanence of Fantasy Fiction”. New deadline: 15 May 2019. Details at:

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