19 Aprile 2024

N° 2 borse di studio per AIA Summer School “Place, Space and Identity in the Anglophone World. Linguistic, Literary and Cultural Insight” presso l’Università degli Studi “G. d’Annunzio”, Chieti-Pescara, 9-12 July 2024.

L’AIA mette a disposizione n. 2 borse di studio di 300€ l’una per dottorandi e dottorande che vogliano partecipare alla AIA Summer School “Place, Space and Identity in the Anglophone World. Linguistic, Literary and Cultural Insight” presso l’Università degli Studi “G. d’Annunzio”, Chieti-Pescara, 9-12 July 2024.  Requisito fondamentale: iscrizione all’AIA. Le borse saranno attribuite a dottorande/i senza borsa, previa presentazione del modello ISEE. In caso di parità di punteggio, sarà selezionato il candidato più giovane, in seconda istanza i candidati iscritti al Primo e poi al II anno. Si invita chi abbia intenzione di partecipare a scrivere all’indirizzo aiasegreteria@unito.it entro il 24 giugno 2024.

N° 2 borse di studio per AIA Summer School “Place, Space and Identity in the Anglophone World. Linguistic, Literary and Cultural Insight” presso l’Università degli Studi “G. d’Annunzio”, Chieti-Pescara, 9-12 July 2024. Read More »

AIA Summer School 2024

“Place, Space and Identity in the Anglophone World. Linguistic, Literary and Cultural Insights” – Università degli Studi “G. d’Annunzio”, Chieti-Pescara, 9-12 July 2024 SUMMER SCHOOL“Place, Space, and Identity in the Anglophone World: Linguistic, Literary, and Cultural Insights”9-12 July 2024Università degli Studi “G. d’Annunzio” Chieti-Pescara The summer school in “Place, Space, and Identity in the Anglophone World: Linguistic, Literary, and Cultural Insights” aims to bring together students and early-career researchers and develop knowledge, methodologies, and new perspectives on the complex relationship between space, place, and identity.The evolving global scenario calls for a redefinition of temporal and spatial dimensions in terms of cosmopolitan, transnational, and transcultural practices. These, in turn, contribute to shaping new identities that are characterized by evolution and fluidity. People negotiate their relationships with the environments and the communities inscribing their identities onto physical spaces imbued with power dynamics, socio-economic factors, and cultural memory.Within this framework, the summer school intends to develop relevant theoretical approaches to investigate identity construction at the intersection of linguistic, literary, and cultural studies. The aim is to provide a forum to explore the multifaceted dialogue between space, place, and identity, and their mutual influences.Lectures and seminars will explore how– language engages with the pragmatic and discursive construction of space-place relationships in transnational contexts and their identitarian implications;– literature delves into the complexities of individual experience and amplifies marginalized voices, shedding light on the intersection of identity construction and categorization;– the agency of individuals and communities negotiates identities within spatial environments, navigating between belonging and exclusion, rootedness and mobility.   PLENARY LECTURES Delia Chiaro (Università di Bologna) Elena Di Giovanni (Università di Macerata) Jude V. Nixon (Salem State University) Kim Salmons (St. Mary’s University Twickenham)   SPEAKERS Raffaella Antinucci (Università di Napoli Parthenope) Elisa Bizzotto (Università IUAV Venezia) Paola Brusasco (Università “G. d’Annunzio” Chieti-Pescara) Marco Canani (Università “G. d’Annunzio” Chieti-Pescara) Francesco Maria Ciconte (Università “G. d’Annunzio” Chieti-Pescara) Mariaconcetta Costantini (Università “G. d’Annunzio” Chieti-Pescara) Bianca Del Villano (Università di Napoli “L’Orientale”) Pierpaolo Martino (Università di Bari “Aldo Moro”) Francesca Saggini (Università della Tuscia) Anna Enrichetta Soccio (Università “G. d’Annunzio” Chieti-Pescara)   SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE Giuseppe Balirano, Marco Canani, Paola Catenaccio, Mariaconcetta Costantini, Massimiliano Demata, Manuela D’Amore, Bruna Mancini, Marilena Parlati, Irene Ranzato, Anna Enrichetta Soccio, Tania Zulli   ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Francesco Maria Ciconte, Maria Luigia Di Nisio, Serenella Massidda   REGISTRATION The registration form (please, see below) must be mailed to aiasummerschool@unich.it by Thursday 20 June 2024, together with a proof of payment. Fee: € 250 payable via bank transfer UdA – Banca Popolare dell’Emilia-Romagna – Sede Chieti Scalo IBAN IT13W0538715501000000444138 – SWIFT CODE: BPMOIT22XXX Reason for payment: FULL NAME – AIA SUMMER SCHOOL   SCHOLARSHIPS AIA offers two scholarships of € 300 for doctoral students who are AIA members. For information on eligibility and application visit www.anglistica.it/early-career-scholarships/ Queries may be addressed to aiasegreteria@unito.it AIA SUMMER SCHOOL REGISTRATION FORM

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