Teaching and Researching Children’s Literature in the Digital Age: New Perspectives and TechnologiesAn International Symposium, 24 June 2022, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice

Teaching and Researching Children’s Literature in the Digital Age: New Perspectives and Technologies

An International Symposium

24 June 2022

Hosted on Zoom

by Ca’ Foscari University of Venice

Over the last two years, the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the already ongoing process of digitization of resources and creation of online tools for teaching and research. This period saw the rise of new websites and databases, including in the area of children’s literature and culture. As our individual space became smaller and confined to our homes, the web became a locus for the sharing of information, resources, and experiences. The past months have seen numerous projects, databases, and conferences being devoted to the challenges and opportunities posed by this sudden shift in academic teaching and research.

Now that we are starting to come back to in-person teaching and research, this study day intends to be an occasion to showcase innovative research and the tools created to respond to the pandemic emergency and meant to outlast it, becoming important resources for the academic and wider community, especially in the face of the new challenges that we are currently facing. It will be a chance to initiate an international conversation on what this shift and the new resources that derive from it entail for Children’s Literature scholars and how we may deploy these emergency tools in the long run to improve teaching and research, making them more accessible at all levels to both students and researchers around the world.

We welcome proposals – including from postgraduates and ECRs – for 15-min presentations on topics including, but not limited to:

innovative teaching methods/tools and digital technologies


digital archives and repositories

digital collections

ebooks and digital libraries

digitization projects


research projects

social media

the limits of digital research methods

Please submit a 200-word abstract and 100-word biography to childrenslitita@unive.it by the 31/05/2022.

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