Call for Papers

The 28th Lavender Languages Conference will be hosted in Catania (Italy) from 23 to 25 May 2022,
both onsite and online.

The Conference has an intense and fruitful commitment towards investigating language use and
representation concerning lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, heterosexual, and/or queer life, as well as
language and sexuality more broadly. The Conference supports a broad idea of “language” which
encompass all areas of semiosis, including pronunciation, lexical choice, grammar, semantics,
pragmatics, sociolinguistics, (critical) discourse analysis, and the analysis of communication in
various text genres, modes (spoken, written, signed, multimodal, non-verbal) and media. Historical,
literary, cultural, and descriptive studies are also welcomed, as are performance-centered
presentations and poster displays.
The Conference proudly maintains a “no attitudes” atmosphere, which will continue in Catania (IT):
all attendees should feel welcome in what will be a supportive and collaborative conference space.
We are pleased to announce our plenary speakers:
Jeremy Calder – University of Colorado (USA)
Adriana Di Stefano – Università degli Studi di Catania (ITA)
Busi Makoni – Penn State University (USA)
Metalinguistic discourses of styling the other: The discursive construction of liminal masculinities.
Pietro Maturi – Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II (ITA)
Gender and language in Italian: an ongoing struggle toward inclusivity”
Tommaso M. Milani – University of Gothenburg (SWE)
Queer stasis
Eva Nossem – Saarland University (D)
Since its origin, in 1993, the Conference has always included papers and posters addressing a very
wide range of topics and themes, and we do hope to keep that diversity maintained at LavLang28.
We invite abstracts for presentations that explore both macro and micro contexts, but which
acknowledge the need to position research into site-specific practices within broader contexts of
social, cultural, and linguistic theory. Specific interest will be devoted to papers and panels that
address future directions for language and sexuality inquiry.

The language of presentation is English, research on languages other than English is greatly
Possible topics include, but are by no means limited to:
• LGBTQ+ discourse
• Literary and media representations of LGBTQ+ life
• (Anti)homophobic and transphobic discourses, and other languages of discrimination
• Pornography and/or the language of desire
• Queer linguistics and (hetero/homo)normativity
• Queer lexicology and lexicography
• LGBTQ+ in Institutions: policies and inclusiveness
• Variationist approaches to LGBTQ+ language/identity
• Intersectionality, language, and sexual identity
• Language, sexuality, and affect
• Language, sexuality, and pedagogy
Abstracts are invited for individual papers and panels.
Abstracts for individual papers should be no more than 500 words, reference included. They should
include the presentation title and the presenter’s name, affiliation, and email address. Abstracts should
describe the paper’s focus, research method, findings, and ties to language and sexuality interests.
Proposals will undergo a review process.
Every panel can be made of 5 papers maximum. Scholars willing to organize a panel should submit
a 300-word proposal together with the list of participants’ names and titles of contributions (5 max)
to Panelists will send their proposals as individual papers for the review process.
Panel organizers are welcome to advertise a call for submissions to their panel via our website, where
we will have a section entitled “Sessions under development”; please contact
The deadline for panel and paper presentations is 1st March. Abstract submission, through Easychair
(, will open on 15th January.
Notification of acceptance will be communicated on18th April.

Further information concerning LavLang28 (registration, travel, accommodation) can be found on
the conference website:

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