CfP: “Human Reproduction and Parental Responsibility: New Theories, Narratives, Ethics”. Phenomenology and Mind (Dec 2020)

CfP: Human Reproduction and Parental Responsibility: New Theories, Narratives, Ethics

Phenomenology and Mind invites submissions for a special issue dedicated to “Human
Reproduction and Parental Responsibility: New Theories, Narratives, Ethics”. We welcome
contributions that are related – but not limited – to the following questions:

 How do conceptions and cultural representations of parental responsibility
inform bioethical, legal and political approaches towards the introduction and
use of reproductive technologies?
 Conversely, to what extent have new reproductive technologies been altering
the concepts of parenthood and parental responsibility?
 What are the emergent transformations and moral challenges associated with
new forms of parenting?
 How can artistic practice create a space for political and bioethical reflection,
and what is the role of specific forms, genres and media (e.g. performance and
video art; Science Fiction; life writing etc).
 How have stories about parents and children evolved? How will they evolve in
the future?
 What is the impact of advanced reproductive technologies on legal and
philosophical debates about biological and social parenthood, gender, and the
rights of the unborn?
 How do planetary environmental pressures affect theories and narratives of
parenthood? What is the meaning of procreative liberty, parental responsibility
and procreative beneficence on a warming planet?

Deadline for submissions: 15 March 2020
Notification of acceptance: May 2020
Publication of the issue: December 2020

Guest editors: Simona Corso (Università degli Studi Roma Tre)
Florian Mussgnug (UCL)
Virginia Sanchini (San Raffaele University; University of Milan; KU Leuven)

Confirmed invited authors: Rachel Bowlby (UCL); Carmen Dell’Aversano (Università di
Pisa); Roberto Mordacci (Università San Raffaele); Laura Palazzani (Università di Roma Lumsa)
Zoe Papadopoulou (visual artist, London); Aarathi Prasad (UCL); Maria Russo (Università San


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