WINTER SCHOOL in Translation Studies: “Translation Today: Technology, Trust and the Role of the Translator”

WINTER SCHOOL in Translation Studies: “Translation Today: Technology, Trust and the Role of the Translator”

Dates: 11th-15th December 2023

Place: Ca’ Foscari University, Venice

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Translators need to adapt to new technology in the translation market, like computer-aided tools, machine translation and AI. But how much should we rely on technology versus human skills? The Winter School aims to answer questions relating to technological advancements, creativity and ethical issues in translation by offering practical activities and lectures in 30 academic hours.

The event, organised by Ca’ Foscari University, will feature guest speakers Giuliana Garzone (IULM University), Anthony Pym (University of Melbourne and Rovira I Virgili University) Silvia Bernardini and Adriano Ferraresi (University of Bologna, Forlì), David Katan (University of Salento), Giulia Togato and Adrià Martin-Mor (State University of California Long Beach).

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