“New Trends in English Studies: Evolving Paradigms”

Title: “New Trends in English Studies: Evolving Paradigms”

Dates: 23-24 April 2024

Place: Enna “Kore” University

Scientific and organising committee: Annalisa Bonomo, Vivian M. De La Cruz, Laura Diamanti, Fernanda Verçosa, Paola Clara Leotta, Giuseppina Di Gregorio

Please submit your proposals (max 300 words, ref. excluded) to: ntesconf@gmail.com by 10 February 2024, and check the website (up from December 2023) https://ntesconf2024.wixsite.com/kore for full call for papers and other info.

The epistemics of English Studies has evolved rapidly in the last few decades, shaped by social and cultural changes, and by advances in technology. This leads to new frameworks in Linguistics, Literature, and Cultural Studies, as well as in Translation Studies, “generating traffic across increasingly unstable disciplinary borders” (Knežević 2016: 153). In particular, they intersect with social, cultural, educational, and environmental issues, and address concerns about ethics and social justice, with regard to the environment, ethnicity, gender identity, education, diaspora, migration, identity navigation, inclusivity, multimodality, etc. In light of these considerations, this conference aims to offer, though in a tentative and non-exhaustive manner, a positive forum for a productive collective reflection on possible future(s) for the discipline.

Topics may include, without being restricted to, the following: Translation Studies: Being in the Beyond; Critical and Positive Discourse Analysis; Identities and Cultures in Transition; University Language Centres; Literary Studies in English; Sociolinguistics and Language History; Multilingualism and World English(es); English for Specific Purposes and English for Education; Multimodality and Audiovisual Translation.

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