XXXI AIA Conference – 13-16 September 2023 – Università della Calabria

XXXI AIA Conference

Rende, Cosenza, 13 -16 September 2023

CALL FOR PANELS – Deadline extension 

Future Horizons:
New Beginnings in English Studies

The horizon leans forward
Offering you space to place new steps of change
‘On the Pulse of Morning’, Maya Angelou

When the Covid-19 pandemic rapidly and unexpectedly spread across the globe in February 2020 and the world we used to know suddenly came to a halt, many of us felt suspended in time and confined in space, the only glimpse of the horizon being the view from our windows. We turned into Proserpina-like creatures waiting for the long winter to come to an end and restrictions to be lifted. The cycles of lockdowns projected us backwards – our previous lives becoming a bittersweet memory for many – and forwards – the anticipations of the future to come, new beginnings that for some equalled the so-called new normal (an issue of Textus was significantly devoted to this topic in 2021) and for others was an act of intellectual creativity and imagination. Indeed, our present was – and still is – a time of change, conflict, resistance, resilience, vulnerability, survival, and hope. As scholars and academics, our way of teaching, doing research, studying and ultimately working was directly and deeply affected by the pandemic. This resulted in an impelling need for a critical re-thinking of our privileged lives, our disciplines and the whole university system.

Today, more than two years after that watershed moment, we are still staring at the horizon, which – in Maya Angelou’s words – “leans forward [and offers] new steps of change”. Such transformations reverberate and bring new awareness into the way we critically look at the linguistic and literary phenomena not only of our present but also our distant and/or recent past, both in terms of the cultural production of writers and artists, performers and storytellers, and the language used to communicate, translate and discursively construe the world around us. This is even more so in the English-speaking world and especially in English Studies, as testified to by the adoption of new theoretical paradigms and the introduction of methodological innovations which has gone hand in hand with a redefinition of academia that promotes inclusivity and interdisciplinarity in order to decolonise Eurocentric epistemological models and offer cutting-edge educational programmes. 

As an association, AIA has fostered the dissemination of interdisciplinary knowledge and competences since its very foundation. Over the years, its conferences have been a space where Italian angliste and anglisti could experiment and innovate (Catania 2022), think out of the box (Padua 2019), and explore the notions of complexity, creativity and conventionality (Pisa 2017), just to mention some recent meetings. For its 31st edition, which will be held at the University of Calabria on September 13-16, 2023, the AIA Conference welcomes panel proposals that examine and navigate the complexities of our past, present and future times, aiming to becomean arena where steps of change can be taken in English Studies, both from a theoretical, methodological and thematic perspective. Through Seminars and Poster presentations, the different souls of the Association –Language and Linguistics, Literary, Cultural and Translation Studies – will be staring at the horizon again, leaning forward and being willing to take English Studies in Italy to new beginnings. 

The local organising committee looks forward to welcoming you to the 31st Conference that will focus on “Future Horizons: New Beginnings in English Studies”.

Call for Panels

AIA members are invited to submit proposals for panels on any subject within the major fields of research (language and linguistics, literature, culture, translation). Proposals with a 200/250-word description should be submitted jointly by two Convenors from different Universities to the Academic Programme Committee ( by 30 march 2023. Notification of acceptance will be given by 10 April 2023.

Call for Papers

The full list of Panels with outlines and contact addresses of Convenors will be published in March 2023. Abstracts of 200/250 words should be submitted directly to the Convenors of the targeted Panels by 15 June 2023.

Deadline for Panels proposals by Convenors: 30 march 2023

Notification of acceptance to Convenors by Academic Committee: 10 April 2023

Publication of list of Panels and Convenors’ contact addresses: 15 April 2023

Deadline for submission of abstracts for individual papers: 15 June 2023

Notification of acceptance by Convenors: 30 June 2023

Please note that:

– Panels will include from a minimum of three to a maximum of five speakers (presentations of max 20 minutes);

– AIA members may give only one presentation at the conference (this applies both to single-author and co-authored presentations).


Posters are to be devoted to research-in-progress and project presentations. Abstracts of 200/250 words should be sent to the Academic Programme Committee ( by 15 June 2023. Notification of acceptance will be given by 30 June 2023.



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