CfP: “Im/politeness on the Big Screen”, 1st December 2023, University of Naples “L’Orientale” 

Call For Papers  

Im/politeness on the Big Screen 

Friday 1st December 2023, University of Naples L’Orientale 

Im/politeness is an integral part of the language, aesthetic value and cultural significance of  cinema. The conference seeks to analyse the languages of im/politeness in a variety of  cinematic texts (shorts, featurettes and feature films). Pragmatics, stylistics, multimodal  analysis, characterization, and conversation analysis are particularly relevant for investigating  im/politeness as conversational behaviour in cinematic discourse. With a focus on areas such  as banter, mock-politeness, irony, humour, and related phenomena, the conference will  explore the interconnections between these linguistic and social practices across cinematic  texts. 

We welcome proposals for 20-minute papers (in Italian or English) on a broad range of topics  related to im/politeness in cinematic discourse. While we encourage submissions on the  following themes, we also welcome related contributions: 

  • Im/politeness and characterization in cinema; 
  • Innovative approaches to analysing linguistic and multimodal im/politeness; 
  • Banter, pseudo/mock-politeness and similar phenomena (irony, humour, etc.); 
  • Impoliteness and storytelling in cinema; 
  • Further methodological considerations regarding analysis of film dialogues; 
  • Taboo language; 
  • Audio-visual translation and Im/politeness Theory. 

Overall, this conference aims to provide a platform for interdisciplinary discussion on  im/politeness strategies in cinema. We welcome contributions from scholars across various  disciplines, including, among others: linguistic pragmatics, stylistics, film and media studies,  and sociolinguistics. 

Abstracts (250 words max.) should be sent as email attachments in .doc or .docx format to and by 16/06/2023. 

Abstracts should include: 

➔ full name; 

➔ academic position; 

➔ affiliation; 

➔ contact information (email); 

➔ up to 5 keywords; 

➔ up to 5 key references.

Notice of acceptance will be sent by 31/07/2023. 

A selection of papers will be proposed for publication in a collection of essays. 

Organising and Scientific Committee 

Aoife Beville (University of Naples L’Orientale

Emma Pasquali (eCampus University) 

Selected bibliography 

Androutsopoulos, Jannis. 2012. “Introduction: Language and Society in Cinematic  Discourse”. Multilingua 31 (2–3): 139–54. 

Bousfield, Derek. 2007. “‘Never a Truer Word Said in Jest’: A Pragmastylistic Analysis of  Impoliteness as Banter in Henry IV, Part I”. Pp. 209–20 in Contemporary Stylistics,  edited by M. Lambrou and P. Stockwell. London; New York: Continuum. 

Brown, Penelope, and Stephen C. Levinson. 1987. Politeness: Some Universals in  Language Usage. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press 

Chepinchikj, Neda and Thompson, Celia. 2016. “Analysing cinematic discourse using  conversation analysis”, Discourse, Context & Media, 14:40-53. 

Culpeper, Jonathan. 1996. “Towards an Anatomy of Impoliteness”. Journal of Pragmatics 25(3):349–67. 

Culpeper, Jonathan. 2001. Language and Characterisation: People in Plays and Other  Texts. Harlow England, New York: Longman. 

Culpeper, Jonathan. 2011. Impoliteness: Using Language to Cause Offence. Cambridge  University Press. 

Dynel, Marta. 2011. “‘I’ll Be There for You!’ On Participation-Based Sitcom Humour”. Pp.  311–34 in The Pragmatics of Humour across Discourse Domains, edited by M.  Dynel. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company. 

Dynel, Marta. 2016. “Conceptualizing Conversational Humour as (Im)Politeness: The  Case of Film Talk”. Journal of Politeness Research 12 (1): 117–47. 

Dynel, Marta. 2017. “(Im)Politeness and Telecinematic Discourse”. In Pragmatics of  Fiction, edited by Miriam A. Locher and Andreas H. Jucker, 455–88. Berlin: De  Gruyter Mouton. 

Janney, Richard. 2012. “Pragmatics and Cinematic Discourse”. In Lodz Papers in  Pragmatics 8.  

Kádár, Dániel Z., and Michael Haugh. 2013. Understanding Politeness. Cambridge:  Cambridge University Press. 

Kress, Gunther, and Theo van Leeuwen. 2006. Reading Images: The Grammar of Visual  Design. Second Edition. London: Routledge. 

Leech, Geoffrey. 1983. Principles of Pragmatics. London: Longman. 

McIntyre, Dan. 2008. “Integrating Multimodal analysis and the stylistics of drama: a  multimodal perspective on Ian McKellen’s Richard III”. In Language and Literature 17(4): 309-334.

Nørgaard, Nina. 2010. “Multimodal Stylistics: the Happy Marriage of Stylistics and  Semiotics”. In Semiotics: Theory and Applications, edited by S. C. Hamel, 255-260.  Nova Science Publishers.  

— . 2014. “Multimodality and Stylistics”. In The Routledge Handbook of Stylistics, edited  by Michael Burke, 471-485. Oxon: Routledge. 

Piazza, Roberta, Monika Bednarek, and Fabio Rossi. 2011. Telecinematic Discourse:  Approaches to the Language of Films and Television Series. Amsterdam: John  Benjamins Publishing Company. 

Toolan, Michael. 2014. “Stylistics and Film”. In The Routledge Handbook of Stylistics,  edited by Michael Burke, 455–69. Routledge.

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