CfP: Prospero. A Journal of Foreign Literatures and Cultures University of Trieste, Italy VOL XXVIII (2023)

Prospero. A Journal of Foreign Literatures and Cultures
University of Trieste, Italy

“Revolutions. Changes of paradigm in British and German literatures and cultures between the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries”

The forthcoming number of Prospero (XXVIII 2023) invites contributions that will focus on paradigm shifts in the literary and cultural fields of English and German literatures between the Eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Starting with the great political and social revolutions of the eighteenth century in Western civilization, many revolutions and epistemic turns have marked early modernity, both in a longue durée perspective and in the turmoil of the epochal punctum, and have seen moments of dialogic confrontation and decisive influences between national cultures.
Authors could consider both the role that revolutions and epistemic turning points have played in the Anglo-German literary and cultural sphere, and also the way in which they have influenced and contributed to intensifying the relations between British and German-speaking literature and culture. Proposals may also examine forms, genres and styles that have characterized the evolution of British and German literature, starting from the innovative impulses and trends that arose in some phases of reception and cultural intersection: from the rise of the novel to the discovery of German drama, from the influences of German idealism and Sturm und Drang on English Romanticism to the links between the phenomenon of the Gothic and the age of revolutions, among the many possible examples which this issue aims to consider.
An array of relevant topics may include – but are not be limited to – the following suggestions (further
topics are welcome):
 Political and social revolutions
 Industrial revolutions
 Philosophical, aesthetic and anthropological revolutions
 Scientific revolutions and epistemological crises
 Technology and the human: experimentations, borders, new myths
 Freedom and human rights
 Romanticisms
 Social reforms and radicalism in national literatures
 Enlightenment and protofeminism
 The foundation of the liberal arts and the birth of journalism
 The novel and the revolution of literary genres
 The Gothic and the age of revolutions
An abstract of maximum 350 words in English and a short bionote should be sent by March 30, 2023 to Roberta Gefter Wondrich ( and Marilena Parlati ( for British literature and to Federica La Manna ( and Irene Fantappiè ( for German literature.
Contributors will be notified acceptance of their abstracts by April 30, 2023, and full articles (between 6000 and 10000 words) will be due by September 1, 2023, in order to ensure publication after the peer-review process by December 2023.
For queries and further information about the journal, please contact the editor in chief Roberta Gefter Wondrich at and visit the website at:

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