CfP: Doing English Today. Environmental Issues and Bilingual Education in the Digital Age, 24-26 May 2022, University of Palermo

Doing English Today 

Environmental Issues and Bilingual Education in the Digital Age  

Call for Papers  

24-26May 2022 

Plenary Speakers  

Daniela Cuccurullo TESOL Italy Vice President  

Victor Pavon University of Cordoba  

MariaEllison University of Oporto  

David Ruz Fundaciòn Santos Martires  

Chiara Sciarrino University of Palermo  

Adriana Iacono Eurolingue School Director  

Ewa Sonczyk Eurolingue School Director of Studies 

Mariana Laxague Teacher Trainer and Material Author  

Marco Faldetta International House Palermo School Manager 

Simon Brown Cambridge University Press and Assessment  

Mark Lang Cambridge University Press and Assessment  

Manuelisa Tuzzetti TESOL Italy Local Coordinator  

The Department of Humanities, University of Palermo and Eurolingue School look  forward to welcoming you to the second edition of the Conference Doing English  Today, which will take place at the University of Palermo from Tuesday the 24th to  Thursday the 26th of May 2022. Professionals will come together to learn from each  other. By connecting with people and peers who are conducting similar studies,  attendees will learn practical methods and new findings that can contribute to their  future achievements. Teachers, scholars and teacher trainers are invited to submit  proposals for seminars and round tables on topics related to our fields of study: 

o Online Teaching and Digital Tools 

o Making Climate change a topic for your classes. 

o Climate action and awareness ideas for writing/reading/speaking and listening activities.

Tools and procedures 

o How to Create Fit for Purpose Interactive Games 

o Integrating Online Games in the online lessons 

o Developing Lessons from Ted Talks and YouTube videos 

o Interacting through file sharing platforms (Google Drive, Dropbox, etc.) o Using Language Management System platforms 

o Making the most of social media (Facebook groups, Instagram, Whatsapp chats, etc.) 

o Combining Platforms and digital tools (Kahoot, Quizlet, Slideshare, Dictionaries, Padlet, etc.) 

o Using Tests and Tools for Online Assessment 

How to apply: 

o Choose one of the above topics concerning online teaching and digital tools. o Choose the tool and procedure you want to use. 

o Select your best practice for online lessons according to the topic and tools of your choice. 

o Send your abstract (max 200 words) for a 20-minute paper to by the 26th of April 2022. 

o Pay €20 fee to: IBAN T09A02008 04682 000300004577 ‘Doing English Today Conference D19’ and send proof with your abstract to the same email address. o The abstract must include details about the teacher (s) involved, the school, the class (s) and the students (age, number, level of English). It should also specify the length of the activity, any possible evidence of the practice itself (video, materials, links, etc.), and the kind of equipment needed (Interactive – Board Projector – Tablet – Computer- Smartphone – Other). 

o The abstract should also specify for what skills the best practice has been designed (reading, writing, listening, speaking) and what specific areas are affected: Motivation – Assessment – Engagement – Goals achievement – Group work – Other 


o The best eight presentations will be included in the Doing English Today Conference to be held in Palermo from the 24th to the 26th of May 2022. Their authors will be invited to deliver the presentations during the conference, either in presence or through Zoom. 

o The presentations will also participate in the selection of the E-Ducation Erasmus project. The winners will be included in the project platform and their authors will be awarded a certificate in a dedicated online ceremony by the E-Ducation Erasmus Project.


Doing english today

Call for Papers – Doing English def

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