CULTURAL PERSPECTIVES. Journal for Literary and British Cultural Studies in Romania ISSUE 26/2021

Dear Colleagues,
“CULTURAL PERSPECTIVES. Journal for Literary and British Cultural Studies in Romania” (CP – invites submissions to Issue 26/2021 presenting different perspectives on the theme coming from different fields, such as literature, linguistics, semiotics, political and sociological studies, communication, public relations, anthropology, translation studies, etc. Note that the empirical background can be provided from different cultures, but it should underline the link between the respective culture and the British one.
In recognition of its high academic standards, CP is indexed in several databases: EBSCO, CEEOL (Central and Eastern European Online Library), BHI (British Humanities Index), INDEX COPERNICUS, WorldCat, KVK, COPAC, SCIPIO, DOAJ, ERIH+.
The deadline for Issue 26/2021 is July 15, 2021.
Should you be interested in submitting your paper, please read the author guidelines posted on the CP dedicated webpage –
Please send you papers to this year’s editor: and, simultaneously, to
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