Call for Papers: English Historical Lexicography in the Digital Age: Focus on Social and Geographical Variation

Call for Papers – International symposium

English Historical Lexicography in the Digital Age: Focus on Social and Geographical Variation

Thu. 11th – Sat. 13th April 2019, Bergamo (Italy)

Invited keynote speakers:

Wendy Anderson, University of Glasgow
Stefan Dollinger, University of British Columbia
María F. García-Bermejo Giner, University of Salamanca
Susan Rennie, independent scholar (Edinburgh)

Organising committee: Marina Dossena (chair), Stefano Rosso and Polina Shvanyukova

We invite abstracts for papers on English historical lexicography that pay close attention to the growing number of
electronic resources that are currently becoming available in this field. Within this framework, we encourage
submissions that focus on social and geographical varieties of English, ideally up to Late Modern times. Papers will be 30 minutes, including 10 minutes for discussion, and we expect to publish a selection of them, following double-
bind peer-review. Please note that we do not envisage parallel sessions.

Send abstracts (ca. 400 words excluding references) as Word files to no later than 15
November 2018. Notifications of acceptance will be issued by 15 December 2018.

General information
The event will be held in the Upper Town of Bergamo (
There is no registration fee, but delegates are invited to make their own travel and accommodation arrangements.
More information will be provided in future circulars and on the conference website at

The event takes place as part of the initiatives organized by the Department of Foreign Languages, Literatures and Cultures of the University of Bergamo as a Dipartimento di Eccellenza 2018-2022 and benefits from research conducted by the organizers in the 2015 PRIN research project Knowledge Dissemination across Media in English: Continuity and change in discourse strategies, ideologies, and epistemologies (prot. 2015TJ8ZAS). We also acknowledge the support of Token: A Journal of English Linguistics.

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