Revisiting English Language Teaching in a time of change: the English as a Lingua Franca perspective
The 2021/22 edition of the post-graduate teacher education on-line course for pre- & in-service teachers of English & CLIL teachers, Revisiting English Language Teaching in a time of change: the English as a Lingua Franca perspective , based upon the ERASMUS KA2-ENRICH Project, and organised at the Department of Foreign Languages, Literatures and Cultures at Roma Tre University, in cooperation with the ENRICH Project and the patronage of AIA, had to be cancelled because it did not reach the required number of participants. The course will be proposed for the 2022-23 academic year. Information:
Revisiting English Language Teaching in a time of change: the English as a Lingua Franca perspective
28th January – 15th April 2022
A post-graduate teacher education on-line course for teachers of English and for CLIL teachers,
based upon the ERASMUS KA2-ENRICH Project.
ECTS/CFU: 12 cfu (150 hours)
Course components
World Englishes & ELF
ELF awareness
Multilingualism & Plurilingual language teaching
Revisiting language skills, methods and
approaches (CLIL, TBL, DDL, EMI)
Intercultural mediation & strategies ICT in language learning
Assessment & Evaluation
Practicum: putting into practice in the participants’ schools
1) Business English as a Lingua Franca; 2) ELF & Literature;
3) ELF & StoryTelling;
4) ELF & International Relations; 5) ELF awareness in ELT materials.
Course aims
To promote ELT competences in multilingual classrooms
To view the English classroom as a multilingual ‘contact zone’
To revisit English language teaching through reflective practice
To integrate ELF awareness in multilingual classrooms
To work with authentic language data To enhance research in multilingualism & ELT
Registration by: 29 November 2021
Registration fee: Euro 350 + 31 Euros (Euro 16 registration cost + Euro 15 certification cost) Italian teachers can use the “Carta del Docente” BONUS to pay for the course.* Payment due by: 07 December 2021
Il pagamento delle tasse universitarie avviene tramite la modalità “PagoPA“. I bollettini PagoPA possono essere pagati tramite l’app IO, on-line con carta di credito o presso gli oltre 350 Prestatori di Servizi di Pagamento (PSP) aderenti a PagoPA. L’elenco completo e aggiornato dei PSP è pubblicato sul sito dell’AGID: pagare/. Ai fini del rispetto dei termini perentori di scadenza indicati, si prega di prestare attenzione agli orari di apertura degli sportelli e a quelli in cui è possibile effettuare il pagamento online, nonché a quelli di apertura del Front Office delle segreterie studenti in caso si riscontrassero anomalie.
Documentation required: 1. Valid Identification Document (ID); 2. CV ; 3.Degree course copy
In order to enrol, and you never registered to Roma Tre before, you should first go to: 1)
and complete the form with the info required, at the end you will receive a username and a password needed to proceed with your enrollment;
2) Using your username and password, register to Roma Tre Services through the following link:
Course duration: 10 December 2021 – 8 April 2022 Registration information: write to both these addresses: –
Course information:
*BONUS: 1. Andare nella pagina “crea buono” accessibile dal menù principale 2. Scegliere di utilizzare il buono presso l’Università degli Studi Roma Tre
Course website post-lauream/2021- 2022/revisiting-english
language-teaching-in-a-time of-change-the-english-as-a lingua-franca-perspective 1075/
- Inserire l’importo del buono corrispondente al prezzo della tassa universitaria (escluse le tassa di diploma e imposta di bollo) 4. Il buono creato sarà accompagnato da un codice identificativo (QR code, codice a barre e codice alfanumerico) che potrà essere salvato su un dispositivo o stampato per presentarlo agli uffici e ottenere così il pagamento della tassa universitaria.
ENRICH-2021 – Complete NEW Programme – Updated incl. Zoom links02_Corso_Revisiting English Language Teaching in a time of changeENRICH-2021 – Book of Abstracts – Updated incl. Zoom links02_Corso_Revisiting English Language Teaching in a time of change_page-0001.jpg