Ersilia Incelli, Renzo Mocini, Judith Turnbull (eds.)
The Research-Practice Interface in English for Specific Purposes. Past, Present and Future
Cambridge Scholars, 2022, pp. 297. ISBN: 1-5275-8910-2
This volume, edited by Ersilia Incelli, Renzo Mocini and Judith Turnbull, is a Festschrift in honor of Professor Rita Salvi, acclaimed scholar of English and English linguistics in the Faculty of Economics at ‘Sapienza’ University of Rome for many years. The book, made up of fourteen chapters, stems from the work of scholars, researchers and colleagues who have been working with Professor Salvi throughout her long career. These numerous research projects have dealt with a wide range of topics revolving around English linguistics, from Global English to business discourse, from teaching and testing techniques to ESP and corpus linguistics. ESP represents the main focus of this book, including both theoretical and practical aspects connected to the teaching of specialized English. To be sure, in a globalized and hyperspecialized world, an English language course based merely on the four basic skills that mainly involves everyday language is simply not enough to prepare students to be proficient English users in their future professional lives. The pedagogical benefits of ESP expose students to real-life specific occupations and practices. Undoubtedly, the book proves to be a valuable tool for researchers and particularly for language teachers and educators in their key role as mediators between research and teaching.